Monday, 25 July 2022

Garden Of The Gods in Colorado

Hello I just came back from Colorado which was welcome change from the oven heat in Texas. We visited a nature park called “Garden of the Gods” that has a beautiful collection of sandstone structures that have been around literally for thousands of years.

It is a gift to Colorado by rail road magnate Charles Elliot Perkins in 1909 with the following conditions that are adhered to till today:

1. The garden would never change its name from Garden of the Gods.

2. There would never be any entrance fee charged to the public.

3. No alcohol is allowed in the park or sold there. 

4. No manmade structure is built there unless it was directly connected to the administration of the park.

There is talk of regulating the number of visitors at any given time because it’s so popular. This 480 acre park is popular with walkers, trekkers, rock climbers, cyclists and horse riders. 

What a generous gesture from a man who started as a clerk and ended his career as the president! 

This is how the West was won by men with foresight. 
