Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Email sent by Grant to Nature Society

I have been back in Singapore for more than 2 mths and even my email to you on 4th Nov went unanswered. I leave today for a 6 week project in China and this will be the last email you will be getting from me as we are withdrawing entirely from this project.

It would appear that all the verbal (and written) assurances that The Green Volunteers would continue to run and administer the Ubin Green House were all politically correct sound bytes. I have always been upfront and straight with you and wish that you could have treated me the same way. Even when I knew I was not going to join NSS part time, I continued to support the green house project.

Even my part time employment was a sham. You said the reason NSS could not afford to hire me was that they were concerned about the finances of NSS but yet promptly employed a full time executive officer and are now looking for a full time education officer - a good example of being upfront and straight even when you and I knew Dr. Geh Min got a sizable donation for NSS.

Once again, the word of NSS and it's leadership is like chaff scattered in a cross wind. I come from an old school where a man's word is his bond, we say what we mean and mean what we say. Obviously, we both went to different schools! With immediate effect. I am severing all ties with NSS.

FYI, this email will be posted on our facebook, blog and sent out to all members of The Green Volunteers so they can judge for themselves what calibre of organisation they are dealing with.

Grant W Pereira